TRICOST is a bio-fungicide containing 2 x 106 CFU/ml min Trichoderma spp. effectively controls wilt, Root rot, Dieback and Fruit rot causing by seed and soil borne plant pathogens like Sclerotium spp, Pythium spp, Phytophthora spp, Fusarium spp, Rhizoctonia spp, Sclerotinia spp and Ustilago spp. which infects different kinds of crops.
Mode of Action
- Substrate Competition for space and Nutrients
Trichoderma sp. colonizes maximum space and absorbs maximum nutrients available at the target site and thereby controls the pathogens by starving them for food and competing for space- Domino effect.
- Mycoparasitism
Trichoderma sp. is like a prophylactic biological fungicide that attacks disease-causing pathogens before they reach the plant system. It grows fast and coils around the pathogen and penetrates through it. It derives nutrition from the target pathogenic fungus protoplasm and its spores multiply inside target pathogenic fungus body and eventually kill it.
- Enzyme production
Trichoderma sp. is known to secrete antifungal metabolites which are antagonistic to the pathogenic fungal species and suppress their growth. It also inactivates the pathogen’s enzymes by secreting certain plant growth stimulating substances. A long lasting effect against pathogens is thus observed owing to the secondary metabolite secretion which exhibits antibiosis effect on the pathogen. It also inactivates the pathogen’s enzymes by secreting certain plant growth stimulating substances. A long lasting effect against pathogens is thus observed owing to the secondary metabolite secretion which exhibit antibiosis effect on the pathogen.
Method Of Application and Dosages
- Seed Treatment–
Mix 20gm powder in 100 ml of water and applied on 1 kg of seed uniformly. Shades dry the seeds for 20–30 minutes before sowing.
- Seedlings Treatment–
Dissolve 10gm powder in per lit. Of water, Dip seedling roots for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately.
- Nursery seed bed Treatment–
Mix 1kg powder in 25 kg of well decomposed Fym/Compost/Vermi compost and then broadcast or incorporate in soil up to 15 – 20 cm depth.
- Soil Drenching–
In absence of FYM, soil of field can used. 1kg powder Blend thoroughly and broad cast in 1 acre of land before the last ploughing or after first irrigation or Mix 1kg powder in 100 lit. of water and drench the soil in 1 acre.
- Foliar Treatment–
Mix 3-5gm of powder per liter of water and give foliar spray. Give 2-3 spray at 7-10 days interval. Do not use chemical fungicide at least for 7 days before and after
Target Crops
Tomato, Potato, Chilli, Cucurbits, Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Sugarcane, Maize, Banana, Papaya, Tea, Tobacco, Cotton, Paddy, Soybean, Pulses, Oilseeds, Horticultural & Floriculture Crops.
Root rot, Damping off, Fusarium wilt, Powdery mildew and Downey mildew, Leaf blight and all types of Leaf spot.
Growth Promotion Activity
Suppress soil and seed borne diseases caused by pathogens and promote seed germination and plant growth.
- Compatible with organic manures and bio-fertilizers
- Don’t mix with chemical fungicides
- It can be used alternatively with insecticides & Chemical fertilizer