Registration of company – August 11,1997.

  • Date of commencement of business in Bangladesh-April 01, 1998.
  • In the year 2008, started own distribution with Crop Protection Chemicals & Animal Health Products and continued to till date.
  • In 2011, started own seed production and marketing wing.

Banker: 1. Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC

2. Brac Bank Limited

3. Prime Bank Limited

4. Woori Bank Limited


Auditor: KPMG Bangladesh

Turnover: Over BDT 217 Crore

Government Tax Paid: BDT 12 Crore 6 Lac (FY: 2023-2024)

Employee: : HBL is a company with around 400 total employees among them over 40 Agriculturist, 3 Veterinary Doctors and Over 140 Diploma Agriculturists and others from prominent universities & institutions.