Deconil 500 SC

Active Ingredient
Chlorothalonil 50%

Mode of Action
Chlorothalonil’s mode of action in-volves its combination with a molecule called glutathione inside fungus cells. As these glutathione-chlorothalonil deriva-tives form, they tie up all of the cells Chlorothalonil’s mode of action in-volves its combination with a molecule called glutathione inside fungus cells. As these glutathione-chlorothalonil deriva-tives form, they tie up all of the cells large molecules are broken down and pro-vide the cell with energy, are glutathione-dependent. Their inhibition leads tochlorothalonil’s toxic effects.


Late blight, Early blight

Application with Dosage rate

 Crop      Target pest Dosage rate
5 decimal land (Per 10 lit of water) Per acre    Per ha
Potato Late blight 15 ml 300 ml 750 ml
Tomato Early blight 20 ml 400 ml 1.00 L


Pack Size
50,100,300,500 ml

Reg. No.