Envoy 50 SC

Active Ingredient
Fipronil 5%

Mode of Action
Envoy 56 SC contain Fipronil is toxic to insect by contact or ingestion.Fipronil blocks GABAA-gated chloride channels in the central nervous system. Disruption of the GABAA receptors by fipronil prevents the uptake of chloride ion resulting in excess neuronal stimulation and death of the target insect.Fipronil exhibits diffenential binding affinity for GABAA receptors subunits,with a higher binding affinity  for insect receptors complexes compared to mammalian complexes.The lower binding affinity for mammalian receptors enhances selectivity for insects and increases the margin of safety for people and animals.Fipronil-sulfone,the primary biological metabolic of fipronil, is reportedly six times more potent in blocking vertebrate GABA-gated chloride channels than fipronil,but demonstrates similar toxicity to the compound in mammals.

Rice, Sugarcane

Application & Dosage rate

Crop      Target pest Dosage rate
5 decimal (per 10 lit of water) Per acre    Per ha
Rice BPH,YSB 1 ml 200 ml 500 ml
Sugarcane Termites 2 ml 400 ml 1 L


Pack size
50 ml,100 ml,200 ml,& 500 ml

Reg. No.