Fame 70 WDG

A one shot solution for Sucking pest

Active Ingredient
Imidacloprid 60% + Acetamiprid 10% WDG

Technical information

  • Highly effective modern & different insecticides of  Neo-  nicotinoid group
  • Act on Insect Nervous system 
  • Translaminar movement

Mode of Action
Neo-nicotinoids are a relatively new class of insecticides that share a common mode of action that affect the central nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis and death.

Unique selling Point

  • Broad spectrum insecticides and control all sucking Insects 
  • Translaminar performance and long lasting efficacy 
  • No cross resistance to conventional insecticides 
  • Relatively low dose of application. 
  • Control Important pest of Rice (BPH) 

Registered Dosage rate

Crops  Insect  Dose/ha  Appln. method 
Rice  BPH  50 gm  Spray 
Brinjal  Aphids  100 gm  Spray 
Jute  Hairy Caterpillar  100 gm  Spray 
Cucurbits  Aphids  100 gm  Spray 
Okra  Jassids  100 gm  Spray