Metrobin 60WDG 

Versatile Broad Spectrum new combination Fungicide of Strobilurin and Morpholine group

Active Ingredient
Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% WDG


  • Metrobin 60 WDG is preventive mode of action & disrupts many different cell processes 
  • Strobilurin a new generation broad spectrum fungicide has been shown to cause changes in the metabolism of plants resulting in higher biomass and yield.   
  • Multisite activity of these two ingredients reduces the risk of resistance development

Mode of Action

Pyraclostrobin Blocks the mitochondrial electron transport and thus inhibits the fungus energy supply and the target fungus dies. 

MetiramContact and protective fungicide with Prophylactic effect. Prevents germination of spores and interferes with the development of the germ tubes. Multiple enzyme inhibitors (No resistance problem).

Unique selling Point

  • Long lasting activity
  • Increases yield and quality 
  • Resistance Management 
  • Safe to environment: GREEN chemistry.
  • Excellent control of foliar diseases. 
  • Application flexibility and long-lasting residual disease control foliar diseases.

Application with dosage rate

CropsPestDosage /L
Potato Late blight, Early blight 3gm/L 
Tea Red rust, stem rust 1.5 gm./L 
Banana Sigatoka 3gm/L 
Mango Anthracnose 1 gm./L 
Cucurbit Powdery mildew 3gm/L